The Word Among Us

Children's Books

8 Results
God Is Listening to Me: My Book of Catholic Prayers
Author: Angela Burrin   Illustrator: Andrew Everitt-Stewart
Product Code: BPRAE7
God listens to us when we pray! This collection features not only traditional Catholic prayers but also original ones that will encourage kids to begin to pray each day and learn how to talk to God as they would their best friend.

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Jesus Speaks To Me About My Baptism
Author: Angela Burrin   Illustrator: Maria Cristina Lo Cascio
Product Code: BAPTE5
In this beautifull illustrated book about Baptism, Jesus "speaks" directly to the children, explaining step by step what happened at their baptism and why. Each part of the rite is linked to a scene from Scripture, such as the story of Noa''s Ark and Jesus' own baptism in the Jordan.

Click here to look inside.
Jesus Speaks to Me on My First Holy Communion
Author: Angela Burrin   Illustrator: Maria Cristina Lo Cascio
Product Code: BQBBE9
In this unique gift book, Jesus speaks warmly and lovingly to children who are receiving him in the Eucharist for the first time. In twelve scenes from Scripture, from Creation to Pentecost, Jesus explains that it is his Father's plan for each child to be part of their family of love. He invites the child to be his friend and to draw close to him in the Eucharist and in prayer.
View an excerpt from this book (Adobe Acrobat Required for viewing).
My First Communion Prayer Book
Author: Angela Burrin
Product Code: BACME9
This collection of new and traditional Catholic prayers will help children make prayer a daily part of their lives.