The Word Among Us

Product Index

147 Results
A Mighty Current of Grace: The Story of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal
Product Code: BMOSE7
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The Holy Spirit is the secret to the Church's growth and vitality—her "fountain of youth"! The Spirit is constantly renewing the Church, and the current age is no exception. In this book, theologian and author Dr. Alan Schreck writes a historical appreciation of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, now celebrating its fiftieth year.

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A Season of Grace: Embracing God's Gifts in the Autumn of Our Lives
Author: Carolyn Bassett
Product Code: BAWGE6
Every season of our lives is filled with God's grace, but the aging process can cause believers to lose sight of the gifts that God offers each day. This book of seventy-five reflections can help older adults to remember all that God is doing in their lives.

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Abide In My Word 2025: Mass Readings At Your Fingertips
Product Code: AB2025
Pray the Mass readings every day of the year!
Advent: A Family Celebration: Prayers and Activites for Each Day
Author: Julie Walters
Product Code: BAFCE4
Enjoy the wealth of Advent traditions, such as the Advent wreath and the Jesse tree, while sharing Scripture, meditations, reflections and prayer with family members of all ages.

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Amazed by God's Grace: Overcoming Racial Divides by the Power of the Holy Spirit
Product Code: BLDOE7
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Larry Oney endured years of adversity and racial prejudice as a child in a sharecropping family on a plantation in northern Louisiana and into his high school years in New Orleans. Amazed by God's Grace reveals what it took to bring Larry from resentment to hope and eventually into the Catholic Church where he now serves as a deacon.

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An Invitation to the Spirit-Filled Life: The Promise, the Power, the Gifts, the Fruit
Product Code: BFHSE5
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Charles Whitehead, an international leader of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal, encourages us to take a fresh look at the person and promise of the Spirit as revealed in the Scriptures and throughout two thousand years of Church teaching and history.

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Behold the Mystery: A Deeper Understanding of the Catholic Mass
Author: Mark Hart
Product Code: BMORE3
Available in eBook format for:
Amazon Kindle: Click here to purchase
Apple iPad, iPhone, iPod: Click here to purchase
Barnes and Noble NOOK: Click here to purchase
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As Catholics, the Mass should be a mountaintop experience for us. Often, though, we go through the motions at Mass without an appreciation for what has really happened. Popular speaker and author Mark Hart helps Catholics move beyond the repetition and ritual to see the Mass for what it really is: a heavenly banquet, a wedding feast, in which heaven and earth meet.

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Beloved Catholic Prayers (Pamphlet)
Product Code: BPAMP1
Many of the traditional prayers—handed down by the Church from generation to generation—are said communally by believers as they gather together for worship. Others are prayed privately by individuals communicating with God devotionally. The selections in Beloved Catholic Prayers honor and recognize both of these traditions.
Clothed with Power from on High:A Short Catechesis on Charisms in the Life and Mission of the Church
Product Code: BMCCE3
In this ground-breaking new book, Bishop Scott McCaig brings much-needed clarity to the important topic of charisms in the life and mission of the Church.

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Contemplating The Trinity: The Path to the Abundant Christian Life
Product Code: BCTRE7
Unity, joy, simplicity, beauty, truth—these are the hallmarks of the three Persons in one God, the Trinity. In Contemplating the Trinity, Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa, the preacher to the papal household, invites readers to turn to the Trinity so that they can enter into and experience the relationship of love that the divine Persons share with one another.

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Dictionary Of Biblical Theology: Leon Dufour
Product Code: BDUFR5
This Dictionary presents the key theological concepts of the Bible in a way helpful to both the scholar and average reader.
Divine Renovation Apprentice: Learning to Lead a Disciple-Making Parish
Author: Fr. Simon Lobo
Product Code: BDRBE8
Price effective while supplies last.

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Transforming a parish is challenging, demanding, and sometimes messy work. In Divine Renovation Apprentice, Fr. Simon Lobo breaks open his experience as an associate pastor working on the renewal of St. Benedict Parish in Halifax, Nova Scotia.

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Divine Renovation Beyond the Parish
Product Code: BDRDE9
Divine Renovation Beyond the Parish is Fr. James Mallon's answer to, "Now what?" He wants to encourage you to pray, to trust, and to take the necessary steps to see your parish and your diocese fully equipped to fulfill God's mission for the Church today.

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Don't Be Afraid to Say Yes to God! Pope Francis Speaks to Young People with Reflections by Fr. Mike Schmitz
Product Code: BPFPE8
Set out for the future without fear! That's the message of Pope Francis to young people as he challenges them to follow Christ and his plan for their lives.This collection of short excerpts of Pope Francis' talks from around the world along with reflections and questions by Fr. Mike Schmitz speaks to the best instincts of young people.

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Embracing God's Plan for Marriage: A Scripture Study for Couples
Author: Mark Hart   Co-Author: Melanie Hart
Product Code: BGPME2
Marriage is one of God's most beautiful gifts and is intended to bless us, fulfill us, and give us a path to sanctity. Understanding what true love entails and how grace works to overcome our wounded human nature is the key to a holy, happy, and passionate marriage.

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