The Word Among Us


13 Results
A Season of Grace: Embracing God's Gifts in the Autumn of Our Lives
Author: Carolyn Bassett
Product Code: BAWGE6
Every season of our lives is filled with God's grace, but the aging process can cause believers to lose sight of the gifts that God offers each day. This book of seventy-five reflections can help older adults to remember all that God is doing in their lives.

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Encountering the Lord in the Gospel of Mark: A 30-Day At-Home Retreat
Author: Leo Zanchettin
Product Code: BLZME1
As you pray through the Gospel of Mark, you’ll discover his story is filled with good news and amazing miracles. He wants you to see how Jesus loves you, and desires to fill you and transform your life.
Good Morning, Good God! Prayers to Start Your Day
Product Code: BPTME5
Here in one volume is a collection of prayers from the "Concord Pastor" that can be used to begin each morning. Whatever your state of mind and heart as you come to morning prayer, these prayers can jumpstart your own prayer to God.

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Hope and Light for Advent
Product Code: BMTHE4
This series of Advent reflections and prayers will help you make room for God to work in your life , drawing you into the beauty of waiting with joyful hope. Step out into the place of hope, knowing the light of Christ will shine brightly!
Is God in My Top Ten? Meditations for a Deeper Life in Christ
Product Code: BDSRE8
Price effective while supplies last.

Is your life running out of control? Work, sports, picking up the kids, getting to Mass, doing the shopping. . . . every day you are barraged with responsibilities. With such a busy schedule, you may struggle to put God first in your life, while distractions of various kinds can take you off track.

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Learning to Trust from Mary: Meditations on the Rosary
Product Code: BJRRE1
How often do we think of Mary’s trust in the Lord?  The Rosary can guide us to this same trust of what Mary herself learned: that when we place everything we have in the hands of the Lord, he will guide us.
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Praying The Gospels: Jesus Launches His Ministry by Fr Mitch Pacwa
Product Code: BJBME5
Fr. Mitch Pacwa has a gift for opening up the Scriptures, and he offers Catholics such a gift in this book of meditations on the beginnings of Jesus' public ministry.

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Praying the Gospels: Jesus' Miracles in Galilee
Product Code: BGALE6
Price effective while supplies last.

Fr. Mitch Pacwa has a gift for opening up the Scriptures, and he offers Catholics such a gift in this book of meditations.In the second book in the series, he moves on to Jesus' miracles during his Galilean ministry.

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The Companion Book of Catholic Days
Author: Karen Edmisten
Product Code: BKEDE2
This beautiful book will bring the rich traditions of the Catholic Church’s liturgical year into your home and your heart.
Why The Eucharist Matters For Your Life: The Practical Reality of Christ's Power and Presence
Author: Chris Padgett
Product Code: BLTEE4
Available in eBook format for:
Amazon Kindle: Click here to purchase
Apple iPad, iPhone, iPod: Click here to purchase
Barnes and Noble NOOK: Click here to purchase
Google Play: Click here to purchase

The Eucharist is a practical reality—Jesus wants to be present in our everyday encounters and experiences. The forty reflections in this book will enlarge your vision of the power of Christ through the Eucharist to change your life and those you meet.

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