Elizabeth M. Kelly (Liz) is a jazz singer who met Jesus in late-night Adoration. An award-winning author of nine books, including Jesus Approaches and Your Heart, His Home Prayer Companion, she holds advanced degrees in creative writing and Catholic studies. Liz is trained as a spiritual director and leads retreats with a particular focus on helping women to flourish in their faith.
Elizabeth M. Kelly (Liz)'s Books
Love like a Saint: Cultivating Virtue with Holy Women
Product Code: BWSKE1
The women you will meet in these pages have cultivated virtue as students, wives, employees, friends, mothers, and will become true companions on your faith journey.
Click here to see the inside.
A Place Called Golgotha: Meditations on the Last Words of Christ
Product Code: BEKGE2
Meditate on what Jesus’ words really mean for you, and deepen your understanding of his life, death, and resurrection.
Click here to see the inside.
Wisdom from Women in Scripture
Product Code: BKWWE3
Scripture is filled with courageous women who embraced God’s plan for them, even when faced with the most challenging circumstances. Their stories invite us to step into God's plan for our lives.
Click here for a sample.