The Word Among Us

Sacraments and Church Days

19 Results
Abide In My Word 2025: Mass Readings At Your Fingertips
Product Code: AB2025
Pray the Mass readings every day of the year!
Behold the Mystery: A Deeper Understanding of the Catholic Mass
Author: Mark Hart
Product Code: BMORE3
Available in eBook format for:
Amazon Kindle: Click here to purchase
Apple iPad, iPhone, iPod: Click here to purchase
Barnes and Noble NOOK: Click here to purchase
Google Play: Click here to purchase

As Catholics, the Mass should be a mountaintop experience for us. Often, though, we go through the motions at Mass without an appreciation for what has really happened. Popular speaker and author Mark Hart helps Catholics move beyond the repetition and ritual to see the Mass for what it really is: a heavenly banquet, a wedding feast, in which heaven and earth meet.

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Embracing God's Plan for Marriage: A Scripture Study for Couples
Author: Mark Hart   Co-Author: Melanie Hart
Product Code: BGPME2
Marriage is one of God's most beautiful gifts and is intended to bless us, fulfill us, and give us a path to sanctity. Understanding what true love entails and how grace works to overcome our wounded human nature is the key to a holy, happy, and passionate marriage.

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Getting More Out of Mass
Product Code: BHMSE8
God always has more for us—more of this love, more of his grace, more of his peace. Getting More out of Mass will guide individuals and groups in experiencing God in Mass.

This 40 page booklet is designed to maximize individuals or small groups time while providing a deep impact on one's spiritual life.

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Hope and Light for Advent
Product Code: BMTHE4
This series of Advent reflections and prayers will help you make room for God to work in your life , drawing you into the beauty of waiting with joyful hope. Step out into the place of hope, knowing the light of Christ will shine brightly!
Is It Christmas Yet? Making Advent Fun and Meaningful for Your Family
Author: Angela Burrin
Product Code: BACYE0
Bring your family together during a season that is often too busy, and draw your children closer to Jesus by sharing the meaning of Advent and Christmas.
Jesus Speaks To Me About My Baptism
Author: Angela Burrin   Illustrator: Maria Cristina Lo Cascio
Product Code: BAPTE5
In this beautifull illustrated book about Baptism, Jesus "speaks" directly to the children, explaining step by step what happened at their baptism and why. Each part of the rite is linked to a scene from Scripture, such as the story of Noa''s Ark and Jesus' own baptism in the Jordan.

Click here to look inside.
Jesus Speaks to Me on My First Holy Communion
Author: Angela Burrin   Illustrator: Maria Cristina Lo Cascio
Product Code: BQBBE9
In this unique gift book, Jesus speaks warmly and lovingly to children who are receiving him in the Eucharist for the first time. In twelve scenes from Scripture, from Creation to Pentecost, Jesus explains that it is his Father's plan for each child to be part of their family of love. He invites the child to be his friend and to draw close to him in the Eucharist and in prayer.
View an excerpt from this book (Adobe Acrobat Required for viewing).
My First Communion Prayer Book
Author: Angela Burrin
Product Code: BACME9
This collection of new and traditional Catholic prayers will help children make prayer a daily part of their lives.
The Companion Book of Catholic Days
Author: Karen Edmisten
Product Code: BKEDE2
This beautiful book will bring the rich traditions of the Catholic Church’s liturgical year into your home and your heart.
The Divine Encounter: Meeting Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration
Author: Mark Hart
Product Code: BHMME2
With busy schedules, carving out time for Adoration can seem daunting, but this latest book from Mark Hart will help you spiritually exhale and give you tools to make the most out of your time with Jesus.

Click here to see the inside.
The Gift of Repentance: God's Call for a Change of Heart
Author: Kevin Perrotta
Product Code: BTWLE5
Price effective while supplies last.

Available in eBook format for:
Amazon Kindle: Click here to purchase
Apple iPad, iPhone, iPod: Click here to purchase
Google Play: Click here to purchase

Repentance is a gift—because coming to the realization of ourselves as sinners opens our hearts to the gospel. And while consciousness of our sins is uncomfortable, it is also a cause for hope. In those feelings of guilt, says popular Scripture commentator Kevin Perrotta, God is calling us to return to him.

Click here for supplement podcasts and to view sample of the Bible study.
The Healing Stories of Jesus: Signs of the New Creation
Author: Louis Grams
Product Code: BTWME3
Price effective while supplies last.

This Bible study examines six of the Gospel stories in which Jesus healed those suffering from a variety of physical or spiritual afflictions. While healings demonstrate the love and compassion that Jesus has for each one of us, they are also a sign of the new creation he came to inaugurate—an announcement that the kingdom of God is at hand.

Click here to look inside.
The Practice of Healing Prayer: A How-to Guide for Catholics
Product Code: BGHTE8
Price effective while supplies last.

Available in eBook format for:
Amazon Kindle: Click here to purchase
Apple iPad, iPhone, iPod: Click here to purchase
Barnes and Noble NOOK: Click here to purchase
Google Play: Click here to purchase

Most Catholics did not grow up learning how to pray with others for healing or expecting that their prayers could be powerful and transformative. Francis MacNutt, an early leader in the Catholic charismatic renewal and head of Christian Healing Ministries, encourages Catholics to do both.

Read a chapter from this book.
Why The Eucharist Matters For Your Life: The Practical Reality of Christ's Power and Presence
Author: Chris Padgett
Product Code: BLTEE4
Available in eBook format for:
Amazon Kindle: Click here to purchase
Apple iPad, iPhone, iPod: Click here to purchase
Barnes and Noble NOOK: Click here to purchase
Google Play: Click here to purchase

The Eucharist is a practical reality—Jesus wants to be present in our everyday encounters and experiences. The forty reflections in this book will enlarge your vision of the power of Christ through the Eucharist to change your life and those you meet.

Click here to read an excerpt.